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- Biodiversity Impact Assessment (BIA) in Punggol North
Home / Projects Projects Biodiversity Impact Assessment (BIA) in Punggol North August 26, 2020 All Projects, Environmental & Ecology TEMBUSU Asia Consulting was awarded a contract to conduct Biodiversity Impact Assessment (BIA) in future residential development area in Punggol North. The scope of the BIA included conducting baseline flora and fauna surveys, assessing likely impacts from project activities, and recommending general mitigation measures to address these impacts. Through an understanding of the environmental conditions of the site and the flora and fauna species present around the proposed development, habitat enhancement strategies to attract native biodiversity to green spaces within the development were also recommended. It is our hope that the recommendations provided could contribute to transforming the development into a biophilic and ecologically sensitive estate. Previous Back Next
- Professional Engineering Services for Rip Raps at Seawall
Home / Projects Projects Professional Engineering Services for Rip Raps at Seawall August 6, 2019 All Projects, Urban Resilience TEMBUSU Asia Consulting (TAC) has been awarded a project to design rip raps at seawall for a public housing development project in Singapore. Facing towards the Straits of Johor, the rip raps will be designed at the seawall for scouring protection against the subsurface drainage discharge and to provide a stable base to resist erosion. TAC will assist the client in the permitting works to the relevant authorities. Previous Back Next
- Independent Verification of GHG Emissions for a Global Semiconductor Manufacturer
Home / Projects Projects Independent Verification of GHG Emissions for a Global Semiconductor Manufacturer January 22, 2021 All Projects, Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation TEMBUSU Asia (TAC) was appointed by a leading global semiconductor wafer manufacturer in Singapore to conduct independent verification of their annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The scope of this project includes reviewing the Client’s GHG monitoring plan and emissions report, visiting the Client’s site for data verification, and conducting interviews with the facility’s management. TAC will then report the audit results separately to the National Environment Agency in accordance with the Carbon Pricing Act 2018. Through these services, TAC supports our Client in reducing their carbon footprint and combating climate change, which is in line with our commitment to SDG #13 “Climate Action”. To learn more on our greenhouse gas (GHG) verification services, click here ., Previous Back Next
- EMMP for construction of Transport Link to Malaysia
Home / Projects Projects EMMP for construction of Transport Link to Malaysia April 9, 2021 All Projects, Environmental & Ecology TEMBUSU Asia Consulting was awarded an Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (EMMP) project for the construction of LTA viaduct and tunnels for the transport link that will connect Malaysia and Singapore. The scope covers the development of a detailed construction EMMP framework during the pre-construction stage, outlining the mitigation and management measures for all environmental aspects to ensure that the proposed works do not adversely affect the environment surrounding the project site. In addition, a biodiversity management plan will be prepared along with a reporting system to monitor the implementation of the EMMP. A biodiversity awareness training will also be provided prior to construction activities to train the personnel on the ecological sensitivity of the site. Given that the project is located within a forested area, TEMBUSU Asia will provide support for monitoring the environmental aspects during the construction stage, especially on biodiversity issues. Environmental monitoring is a critical tool for assessing the effectiveness of EMMP and all recommended mitigation measures. This will help to mitigate the adverse impacts generated from the project’s activities, leading to the environmentally sustainable implementation of the development. Previous Back Next
- Environmental Risk Analysis study (Aspect-Impact Assessment) for a Berth construction project in Singapore
Home / Projects Projects Environmental Risk Analysis study (Aspect-Impact Assessment) for a Berth construction project in Singapore December 7, 2021 All Projects, Urban Resilience TEMBUSU Asia Consulting (TAC) has been engaged by a client to carry out an Environmental Risk Analysis (ERA) study for Berth construction project at one of the Singapore’s ports. The project is conceived as green and sustainable development and required to achieve Green Mark (GM) certification. As part of the GM certification, Environment Risk Analysis (ERA) study is to be conducted to ensure that environmental impacts associated with the project are considered and environmental Aspects and Impacts of products/activities are determined at an early stage. TAC will examine work activities, potential inputs (raw materials, chemicals, and utilities) and outputs (products, wastes produced, recycled materials, water discharges, and air emissions) and assess relevant impacts such as soil contamination, air pollution, noise health effects, and ecology impacts. As an outcome of this ERA study, TAC will develop an Aspect-Impact Assessment Register which will highlight the significant environmental aspects and will recommend mitigation measure to address them. Implementation of this ERA study outcome will ensure that the project can be executed in environmentally and sustainably sound manner. Previous Back Next
- Multi-disciplinary Consultancy Services for Enhancement of Mandai Mangrove and Mudflat
Home / Projects Projects Multi-disciplinary Consultancy Services for Enhancement of Mandai Mangrove and Mudflat May 5, 2022 All Projects, Environmental & Ecology TEMBUSU Asia Consulting (TAC) was awarded the environmental consultancy works for the enhancement of Mandai Mangrove and Mudflat. Following the completion of feasibility studies in 2020, TAC is glad to continue the work for the detailed design and construction of the proposed nature park as part of a multi-disciplinary team. Baseline data collected from various environmental surveys we conducted would aid in understanding potential impacts of the development on the biodiversity and ecology, hydrodynamic condition, and other relevant environmental aspects. TAC would advise the multi-disciplinary team on mitigation measures to minimize impacts from the development. Stakeholder consultations would be carried out during the EIA process to incorporate feedback from relevant stakeholders. TAC will also supervise the EMMP implementation for both construction and post-construction stages. For this project, TAC combined its multi-disciplinary strength and capabilities in environmental and ecological assessment, habitat enhancement, and wildlife management to protect and conserve one of the last remaining mangrove forests and the most extensive mudflat site in mainland Singapore. #MandaiMangroveMudflat #NatureBasedSolution #EIA #Multidisciplinary #Biodiversity #Ecology #Hydrodynamic #Sediment #Modelling #EMMP #StakeholderEngagement #HabitatEnhancement #WildlifeManagement #Mangrove #Mudflat #Singapore #SDG11 #SustainableCitiesCommunities #SDG14 #LifeBelowWater #SDG15 #LifeAboveLand Previous Back Next
- Sustainability Awareness Training for the Shipping Industry
Home / Projects Projects Sustainability Awareness Training for the Shipping Industry September 15, 2022 All Projects, Capacity Building TEMBUSU Asia Consulting (TAC) was invited to conduct a sustainability awareness training for a shipping company that provides classification and technical advisory services to the marine and offshore industries. The participants consisted of the global management team from Asia (i.e. Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, India) and Middle East countries. With about 90% of world trade transported by sea and global shipping accounting for nearly 3% of the world’s CO2 emissions, the shipping industry plays an important role in tackling climate change. International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set a target to reduce the carbon intensity of international shipping by at least 40% by 2030 and reduce the total annual greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping by at least 50% by 2050 based on 2008 figures. In Singapore, the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) launched the Maritime Singapore Decarbonisation Blueprint 2050 in March 2022 contributing to Singapore’s commitments under the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. Our training aims to equip participants with the skills to anticipate future trends, risks, and opportunities and sort the broad array of options for action to identify efforts that will provide the greatest business value, hence fulfilling SDG 4: Quality Education and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals. Previous Back Next
- Feasibility Studies at Mandai Mangroves and Mudflat
Home / Projects Projects Feasibility Studies at Mandai Mangroves and Mudflat May 23, 2019 All Projects, Environmental & Ecology TEMBUSU Asia Consulting together with our partners were awarded the consultancy services for feasibility studies at Mandai mangrove and mudflat by the National Parks Board. Being one of the last few remaining mangroves and natural shoreline of Singapore, the future 72.8 ha park shall seek to preserve its ecological condition with minimal disturbance to the site’s ecosystem and biodiversity. Mandai mudflat is an important place for the birds with its rich grounds of molluscs, crustaceans, and worms during the low tide while the birds roost at the adjacent Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. The consultancy services comprise of the ecological study and survey of the existing site, hydrodynamic and ecological modelling, to the planning and design of the 72.8 ha park. An Environmental Impact Assessment will also be carried out to mitigate any possible impacts for the park development. This park will also serve as an important green node at the northern part of the Railway Corridor as well as part of the eco-discovery corridor in the Park Connector Network’s Round Island Route. Previous Back Next
- Annual Gas Pipe Inspection at Jurong Island
Home / Projects Projects Annual Gas Pipe Inspection at Jurong Island June 15, 2021 All Projects, Urban Resilience TEMBUSU Asia Consulting (TAC) was appointed to carry out the annual inspection of gas pipe installation in Jurong Island. This annual inspection is a requirement of the Gas (Supply) Regulations to ensure no leakage or corrosion to the gas installation and that gas supply remains safe. Upon completion of the annual inspection, a Certificate of Fitness will be issued if the gas installation is found to be in good operating condition. This is the third consecutive year that our Client engages us in this service, and we are pleased to be able to deliver satisfactory and quality services that remain consistent through the years. As part of our efforts to fulfil SDG #9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure and SDG #11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, we are excited to contribute to building a sustainable and innovative city for all to live in.SDG9I Previous Back Next
- Greenhouse Gas Emission Verification for Textile Manufacturer
Home / Projects Projects Greenhouse Gas Emission Verification for Textile Manufacturer September 15, 2022 All Projects, Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation TEMBUSU Asia Consulting (TAC) was appointed to provide Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission verification for a vertically integrated textiles and apparel manufacturer who has operations in Malaysia, Cambodia, China, Vietnam, and Jordan. Our GHG verification will support our client’s sustainability strategy and their upcoming application for a Sustainability-linked loan (SLL). GHG emissions reduction was identified as the Sustainability Performance Target (SPT) for the SLL and it is a requirement for the GHG emissions baseline to be verified by an independent third party. The scope of work involves reviewing and verifying the client’s Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions for 2019 and 2020 in accordance with ISO 14064-3:2019. A verification report with verification statement endorsed by TAC will be submitted to our client. Through this service, TAC supports our clients in transitioning to low carbon economy and strengthen their resilience in meeting SDG#13: Climate Action. For more information on our GHG Verification services, click here . Previous Back Next
- Stack Extension for a Chemical Plant, Singapore
Home / Projects Projects Stack Extension for a Chemical Plant, Singapore April 20, 2020 All Projects, Urban Resilience TEMBUSU Asia was awarded consultancy services on stack extension for a chemical plant in Singapore. The scope includes design review and endorsement of the steel frame that supports the 45 m long stack and its foundation design. We also provide statutory site supervision during construction and obtaining clearance from relevant authorities. Previous Back Next
- Site Assessment and Environmental Impact Study in Singapore
Home / Projects Projects Site Assessment and Environmental Impact Study in Singapore March 4, 2020 All Projects, Environmental & Ecology TEMBUSU Asia Consulting together with our partner is awarded a consultancy service work comprising of three sites in the north-eastern part of Singapore where transportation facilities are planned. The scope covers the Site Assessment and Environmental Impact Study (EIS) works. The development of Site 1 includes the construction of a multi-storey development with underground transport operational facilities. The scope includes site investigation & assessment of the environmental impacts due to the proposed works within the former landfill site and design of the associated environmental control infrastructure. The development at Site 2 and Site 3 includes road works, a viaduct, and other ancillary works within an Identified Biodiversity Site (IBS). EIS is to be carried out to study impacts on the IBS due to the proposed road projects. The works include the collection of baseline survey data covering biodiversity, water quality, and noise quality. The data would then be analyzed to assess the environmental impacts associated with the construction and operational phases of the site based on the proposed development plan. This assessment would be the basis to recommend mitigation measures appropriate to the impacts assessed. An environmental management and monitoring plan would then be prepared to mitigate the adverse impacts during the construction stage. Previous Back Next